This delicious, grain free Superfood 65 puppy food is made with 65% Scottish Salmon and a blend of Dill, Spinach, Fennel, Asparagus and Tomato, which are all superfoods.
Scottish Salmon are typically fed better quality feed and farming is less intensive with fewer fish in a cage, meaning they can swim further and develop more muscles.
This food has specially selected ingredients to help support cartilage metabolism for the growth of healthy joints in puppies. It also contains naturally occurring collagen which helps to maintain healthy joints and skin in growing pups.
Each piece of kibble is approximately 5mm x 10mm in size.
Made in Britain using only British ingredients.
Please note this product is shipped directly by our manufacturer and has a separate delivery charge. £5.99 for one bag or free for two bags! Not available for Click and Collect.
Superfood 65 - Scottish Salmon & 5 Superfood Blend - Puppy 12kg
65% Salmon (35% Freshly Prepared Scottish Salmon, 22% Dried Salmon, 5% Salmon Oil, 3% Salmon Gravy), Sweet Potato, Beans, Beet Pulp, Omega 3 Supplement, Dried Superfood Blend* (Including Dill, Spinach, Fennel, Asparagus, Tomato), Minerals, Fructooligosaccharides (FOS, 192 mg/kg), Glucosamine (170 mg/kg), Methylsulfonylmethane (170 mg/kg), Chondroitin Sulphate (125 mg/kg), Mannanoligosaccharides (MOS, 48 mg/kg), Nucleotides, Olive Extract (0.01%) *Each equivalent to 4% Fresh Ingredients
Crude Protein 33.5%, Crude Fat 15%, Crude Fibre 2.5%, Crude Ash 8%